
It takes two skillful hands to paint.
It takes four eyes to see the beauty of the work.
It takes two minds to transfer the energy from the body to the piece.
But it only takes one heart to make it come alive.

Something as simple as a painting,has more to it.
The artist takes time...
...More than effort,he puts his heart and soul inside of the painting.
All of his thoughts go inside the canvas,with expressions and emotions.
Like a vase,it is first formless and ugly,but it gets form after the artist puts more effort into it.
With time,that random,clueless drawing becomes something with not just an image,but various thoughts inside of it.
The more he works,the prettier it gets...

It indeed,takes so much time to create something marvelous...not only paintings.
That can be Trust,Confidence,Happiness,Hope...
It takes so much time,yet,can be destroyed so easily.
One thought,can take away all of your efforts.

The painting is now complete,it looks like a true work of art!
But...with a little accident of the artist,he tumbles and passes the wet painting brush on his work...
...making it from something amazingly beautiful,to something ''ruined''.
It took all of that time...for nothing.
He will have to start over.
It is painful,and yet he may not manage to begin so soon again.

Painting by Dan Laybourn.
The sense is over a relationship.
Based on trust,the more you work on a relationship,the stronger it gets.
Yet,like a painting,it can be totally ruined by a simple accident.

Daniel Viana Alencar - The more you work,the prettier it gets.