
I wanna know what to do of my life...
Wait! I know what to do!!,I don't...
I never know anything!!

I could start thinking about life more often...
But I don't need to! Life's good,right? isn't,it is so ugly and full of bad things!
Why don't I ever even think about anything interesting?!
Theater sounds interesting,I guess...

Maybe I could go to the theather if...
Yeah,I'll just go to the theater!! Will be fun!
But...if Danny pops up i'm so screwed!! I better not!
Ugh! What's wrong with you?!
One time won't hurt anybody...

I really think I should go...should I?
Yes I am going! Watch a movie and have some fun!
No! I don't even have a nice shirt!
Just make up your damned mind,Megan!
I'll just take a look at what I have...

I don't or red shirt?
Pink! So feminine,all boys like it.
Red! I look hideous in pink!
You're not gonna choose! Than I'll take both!
Alright i'll take pink...

I'll go but,I know that always something wrong happens...
Come on,nothing wrong is going to happen!
But it always does happen! I'm being realistic!
Sooo much drama for one person!
Let us just go...

- Danny appears suddenly at the cinema's ticket booth -

[Danny] - Is that you,Megan?

(Omg! Is he really talking to me?!)
(He is HE IS!!)
(No he isn't! there must be another Megan,somewhere.)
(You foolish!!! Have you got anything to lose?!)
(No...I will isn't for me anyways...)

- She just walks away,like nothing happened.

[Danny] - Oh well,I needed company for the movie...too bad she didn't hear me.
(Saying to his-self)

- ''Danny! Danny!! Hey!'' Oh,it seems like company has found the boy,after all.

[Katie] - I thought you were getting into the movies all alone,well,I can't let you do that ! *Grins
[Danny] - Oh,you wanna make me company?
[Katie] - That's what I am here for...*Smile
[Danny] - Sweet,thanks! Let's go.

- The boy just gets inside the movie with the random girl while megan sees it all from the corner.

Awwwww...maybe I could seek him...or not...or...or...*sob
I should,he's right there,maybe than we can watch a movie together!
Don't you see he's with another girl now?!
Why didn't you just turn around,you had none to lose,you idiot!
Awwww i'll just go home... *sob

My ficcion text with real life experiences on women that have multiple-personalities,
5 Personalities,numbers as the text follows: 1;Doubt. 2;Positive. 3;Negative. 4;Self-Hate. 5;Surrendering.
I have never found out if that is a disease or just a 'problem'.
Either way,it is incredibly difficult to deal with,from both sides.
Daniel Viana Alencar.