Don't miss your chance to blow

''Do not miss your chance to blow.''In 'Eminem''s words I speak today.
I've never even talked about people's sentences and such,but this one is pretty sick,Eminem has that song called 'Lose Yourself',it's the truth when it comes to something you have to do.
Fear comes down,making your legs shake,you think you won't be able to do it,you start thinking about giving up,things want to make you back down,lose your chance of becoming something.
That one little window in time that opens once in a century,just for you,you can't miss that. What you've always wanted is right there,in front of you,take action,move!
A million of reasons will appear to shake your faith and distort the reality,those are the negative energies we must let go of ourselves. We are stronger than we look. And when you feel it is your shot...
That's when you gather yourself up,with all the strength you have and just move thowards the goal. You can do it,you are there for it,so why are you quitting now?
No quitting for the brave ones,we fight till death for things we really want.
''Don't miss that chance to blow,you've got only one shot,the opportunity comes,once in a life-time.''