Dream's Truth

What the hell, where am I?
I'm in a empty space that have no begining and no ending. Trying to find my way out as I realise I a prisoner in my own mind. trying to find a way out ,seeking myself to find out who I really am!
Walking through this empty mind I saw a river, a river I made with my own tears,the ones I've been crying all my life. And I look closer I see a shadow across the river, getting closer to the shadow I notice...It was my personality and I ask him: ''why are you so sad?'' and he replies:
"its not me its you, your the one that's fighting me. I want to be free and happy but you never let me, I wish you were normal so I can have a nice life in this empty space you've created!"
I put my head down and realize what I did. I run so fast filling the river with tears and watching the empty space becoming dark and cloudy.
I stop to take a breath and ask myself: "WHY? , why am I this person? what did I become? I want to be normal like everyone else! I HATE MYSELF!"
Then I fell down on my knees and closed my eyes.
What can I do to fix what I've broken and start thinking a way to fix them. The first thing is accepting myself and being happy with what I have now!
I got up with my sad face and tried my best to smile!
Walking,walking I begun to think clearly and positively with every step I take and this dark room begun to brighten and I could see clearly then.
I didnt look back to see if my personality had changed.. And I ran fast to the light!
My eyes than opened and I realized I was just dreaming.

Beautiful text made by my great friend and great artist - Chong Tromp.
Daniel Viana Alencar.