Abracadabra part 3

-- With nothing to lose,Danny starts his search upon 'anything',on this icy plane...

Danny - Ah,man I'm starving! But in dreams we don't get hungry...do we? Uhm...

-- Seems like there are two guys coming the same way,exactly where Danny is at; knowing that,Danny quickly hides himself behind a big pine tree.
The first guy says:

One of the guys - Yep,I ain't telling that bastard another thing from now on. I am more than disappointed with him,how could he try to say my secrets to other people,just like that? Behind my back? I should've smashed his claws for what I know I should. Grab that ore and give him a lesson,you know?

The other guy - (Angry) If I were in your shoes,I'd drop by his house and humiliate him in front of his sheep. Indeed,I would. He deserves that.

The first guy - Now that's extreme of you,I'm not talking about these drastic solutions,okay?

The second guy - For what I know you,you'll always be a sissy,nothing but a coward,if somebody steals your wife,you'll do nothing about it,you're like that,I know you,Jesper.

Jesper - (Unjustified) What was that,Lope?! Me,a sissy? You've seen me take down gorgons,you know what I am like. I just don't jump myself to these extreme acts like you do...I am coherent.

Lope - Man,you need to stand up for yourself,don't take no chains to your wrists.

Jesper - Enough of this talk,let's find something for dinner. I don't mind eating a cockatrice today...those are good. Yeah (High thought).

Lope - True that. Less talk,more meat.

-- Both of the guys walk away,and since there is alot snow,Danny can see the footprints,leading to somewhere they came from.

Hmm...if I follow tracks I should get to a house,said dad once! These guys seem to have bulky clothing too,It's a good chance for me to grab myself some of those...
I need to move fast,before they get back! Maybe I'll find a lead of a place to go,there.

-- He moves ahead following the footsteps of the two men. For about 15minutes walking thowards the tracks,he sees a hut longside a small river.

I need to know if there is anybody in there,of course...
*Looks thru the window slightly*
Phew,I'm glad there's nobody there. Now I need to get myself something to wear! I'm still freezing...
*Opens door slowly...*

Strong Mean Voice - (Irritated) WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!

Danny - (Frightened) W...w...who said that??

Danny - (Very scared) .......................Uuuuuh

Very little guy - Ahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! You must've seen your face!

Danny - Wha...??

Very little guy - (Comes out of the dark) You were all like - OH GOD I'M DEAD UUUUUUUUUH - hahahahahah!!

Danny - (Disappointed) That's not funny,you know.

Very little guy - Oh,my name is Pio.

Danny - I'm Danny...

Pio - Nice to meet you,strange-looking thing.

Danny - What are you doing here?

Pio - Waiting for an idiot to scare about! hahahahahahaha!

Danny - That wasn't cool (-.-).

Pio - Come on,cheer up buddy.

Danny - Who are you anyway?

Pio - I am a Leprechaun! My kind is always the center of attention. We are born jokers,and never lose a little chance to have prank on somebody.

Danny - (Imagining) A leprechaun...cool...

Pio - I really have no reason to be here,actually. I came from the south of the river,where the main city is at.

Danny - Why did you come all the way here than?

Pio - Ah,life can be boring sometimes. I needed an adventure. But out here there ain't no fun either,so I can prefer to go back to the city.

Danny - I need to go somewhere too,I am kind of lost in this place...

Pio - Maybe we can go together to the city. But only if you get some sense of humor,you ape-looking being! hahahahahaha!

Danny - (Fake laugh) Aha...ha...ha...

Pio - Now that's better! We shall get going before it is dusk. You don't wanna see the night around these woods.

Danny - (Fraidy) What's out there at night?

Pio - You don't wanna see. Let's just get going,shall we.

-- Danny grabs some piece of fur from the hut before he leaves with the leprechaun. Adult clothing don't fit boys,so the top makes him look like he's using an overall. Well,at least it works.
There isn't much going on around the woods...just snow,pine trees and the river,which they seem to be following for like an hour about now.

To be continued...
Image by Philippe L.
Daniel Viana Alencar.