Abracadabra part 2

-- As the young boy opens the door,he feels himself somewhere else while in front of him,he sees...

Kid - (Hyper) Woooooooooooooooooow!!!!!! I've never seen such weird buildings before! Such weird people before! Such cool grounds before!

Man,look at all of this! I must be dreaming! That's probably it... Dreaming! I don't wanna wake up early today,this is so cool,soooo coooool!!!!

-- Indeed,it is all different as the youngster sees. Buildings look like half-mooned archs and screws upside-down,with twisted colors; People look the same phisically,only have different-looking aspects. Long-tipped ears,like the fantasy elves,small men looking like dwarves,humans with claws,fangs and that stuff. The ground is golden and there are no bricks anywhere to see.

Kid - Sir! Hey Sir!

Tall man - Who are you calling a 'Sir'? Don't you see my tail?

Kid - Uh...What are you than?

Tall man - That doesn't matter. You look out-of-place.

Kid - Well...I opened a red door and than...

Tall man - Oh,haha! I see,I see! Don't speak another word! Follow me (Grins).

Kid - Pfft,I won't follow a stranger!

Tall man - ...?

Kid - You expect me to just follow you?!

Tall man - Yes,I do.

Kid - But...ehm...but!

Tall man - But what?

Kid - Where are you taking me?

Tall man - (Rolls-eyes) You young folks don't respect elders no more,do you?

Kid - (Whispers to himself) Oh,here comes the nagging again...

Tall man - (Convinced) You know what,you see the orange striped building over there?

Kid - I do...

Tall man - Go in there and seek for a gnome called 'Cassandra'.

Kid - (Suspiciously starring) Yeeeeeeeeeah...right.

-- The tall man continues to walk his way,while the kid looks at this tower-looking place with orange stripes,wondering why he should or not go in there.

Well,since I'm dreaming,I think I can do anything in here! Hahaha! Yes,in dreams we can't get hurt,said mom. So I'll be able to do anything here and nobody is going to stop me! You know what,I'm gonna go to that orange place and see the gnome. I've got none to lose.

-- With the thought of being in a dream,the boy goes on,feeling like a 'big boy'.
And he walks in the place,followed by some stairs. Inside the building it looks exactly like a hotel,there are 2 attendants behind a big counter,books,feather pen and two statues,one to each side of the room.
One of the people behind the counter says:

Attendant - Hello there! You do look lost,what is your name?

Kid - (Still suspicious) Danny. Yours??

Attendant - Cassandra is what they call me around here. Tell me,what do you seek?

Danny - I don't really know...I met a tall guy outside and he told me to talk to you.

Cassandra - Hm,I don't know why somebody would send you to me,I am a mere attendant (Grins).

Danny - (expecting) Uh...weeeell???

Cassandra - But I guess I can tell you some few things since you're not from around.

Danny - How did you know that I'm not from here?

Cassandra - (Thoughtful) ...I've never seen you before...so.

Danny - (Interrogating) Can you tell me where I am?

Cassandra - (Laughs) You're in the World of the Hat,of course!

Danny - Am I dreaming??

Cassandra - How would I know that,kiddo?

Danny - (whispers to himself) In dreams we can't know if we are dreaming,of course!

Cassandra - What did you say?

Danny - Nothing...!

Cassandra - There are a few things you should know...

Danny - What are those?

Cassandra - Don't touch statues if you don't know their destinations. Those take you somewhere else and you can't come back the same way. Like the ones in here.

Danny - (Amazed) Whoa! Cooool! Statues that teleport!!! Seems like I'm inside a video game so raaaaaad!!

Cassandra - Since you're already here...why don't you come a little closer (Insane eye-look)?

-- At this moment,Danny starts feeling very suspicious about the gnome and won't dare to come closer,somehow. The other attendant didn't say a word the whole time,plus,he has a very weird stare too,being a guy of huge mandibles is already terrorizing enough for the boy.

Cassandra - I won't hurt you,come a little closer (Manipulating)...

-- Danny can notice the other attendant becoming a little agitated and takes one step back.

Cassandra - (Extremely Impatient) I SAID,- COME CLOSER -,ARE YOU DEAF?!

-- He won't dare to come closer,Cassandra has a very grim stare in her face and he knows there is something very fishy about these two people...in his eyes there is alot of fear,but he knows in his mind that this is nothing but a silly dream,and nothing is going to happen to him.


-- When Cassandra shouts that sentence,the other attendant behind the counter,quickly leaps over and opens his big mouth with a dozen fangs,like he was about to take a nice bite on Danny.
From 'fantasy' everything turns to 'dark',and all Danny can feel is fear.
Not thinking twice,Danny runs to the statue that is nearer to him (right). With about half a second before the monstruous being has Danny's head in his mouth,Danny not only touches the statue,he hugs it with his eyes closed,shaking in fear.

Danny - Aaaahhhhhhhhh!!!! Oh...what the gnome said was true after all (still shaken)...

-- Danny is no longer inside the orange-striped building,he is now somewhere cold,very cold. But cold or not,it feels way better being icy and alive,than warm and dead inside the stomach of a monster.

Danny - It's so cold in here...I need some bigger clothing or else I'll freeze!

-- From the spot he is at,there is nothing but snow and big pine trees at sight.
there must be something around here...the only chance of finding out,is looking.

To be continued...
Daniel Viana Alencar.