Abracadabra part 1

''Hey kid,mind being my assistant for this number?
Take a card,son.
Now,put the card inside my hat.
Do you remember the number of the card? If so,keep it in mind.
I hope you like cats...
What's this?
One...two...three,four cats!''

Magician - What was the number on your card,kid?

Kid - (Amazed) Four!!

Kid - Can you teach me how to do that?!

Magician - I can teach you something way cooler. How about it?

Kid - Cooler than this?! Show me!!

Magician - Close your eyes,count to three,say the word 'Abracadabra' and open your eyes.

Kid - Okay,here goes. One...two...three...ABRACADABRA!

(Speechless) ?! How...how ?! Where?!
Wooooow,this is unreal! Look at all these colors! Look at all this candy!
Wait till I tell Rachel about this,she won't believe me at all!
Hm,I don't think anybody is going to miss a little chocolate,there's so much here,I'll just grab one piece for start...
(Surprised) It is so good! It is too good! Wow! I have never had anything alike!
I wonder where the magician went. Oh well,I'll take a walk around,maybe I will find him somewhere around here...
Helloooo? Mister Magician? Misteeeer??
Ah,doesn't matter,let me take a look around...

Mysterious voice - Welcome to the World Inside the Hat,young fella!

Kid - Who's saying this??

Mysterious voice - To the left are 3 doors,each one with a color and different outlook. Choose one of the three doors,and choose wisely. And know this; You can expect anything in here!

One door...so I'm just gonna go to the red one. Reminds me of Rachel's hair color.
Or not...wait. No,I am gonna go to the red door. Yeah,the red door.

Kid - What's going to happen if I open one of the three doors??


Och,it seems like I'll have to open to discover.
So here we go...
...(Surprised stare)

To be continued.
Daniel Viana Alencar.