Journal of the Alchemist


''The more I create,there crazier I get within myself,always wiser,always bigger and scarier; The creations.....get.''

Patience is my reward and skill is my sword. Masterpieces is my goal.
I'm the one behind these.....monsters,and I ain't raising them to hit me back. I'm smarter than them,as I use my knowledge to create those. MY CREATIONS MUST OBEY ME.
Indeed,this day I have had one of them create a potion of.....few ingredients.

Ach,shouldn't be difficult to see that I,yes I,me,who else,anyway,I,am teaching my masterful
skills of Alchemy to my little...creations. And In particular,that one of them seems to have gotten the taste for such thing,which is very useful to me,for I won't have to spend much time mixing...ingredients,for such.
Honestly,I am only enjoying my little...creations,they are more than useful,they seem loyal for most part of the time and they only lose the senses when I mix them.....words.
Some days I get a little arrogant with my neighbors though who don't approve my work. I should turn them to dust,but I really don't wanna waste my precious time with those.....beings.
The days go as time passes and i'm surely going very far with this! Yes! Very far indeed! YES!!!

Oh,i've put my heart into my.....apprentices. And they are giving me return for that,which makes me a very happy person,with a greater feeling above humanity. Yes,these fool,foul little humanlings look me from top to bottom,like they are analizing me in some way. They are the ones that are.....broken. Broken yes,I am a genius!!!!! A GENIUS!!!!!! YOU LITTLE HORRIBLE-LOOKING DUMB APES; ME,I ! AM A GENIUS!! MY BRAIN IS BIGGER THAN ALL OF YOURS! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Little stupid humans,so.....ignorant. None of you get anything of what happens up in here in MY hills. YES,MY HILLS. You wouldn't understand even if you wanted to,neither if you tried to! You can never understand my creations,my wisdom,my knowledge,MY POWER!!!!
Arrogant humans with a pattern,I have none,I have a way of being,not a pattern AHAHAHHAA!!!

Ah,I guess I just got a little.....hesitated. But it doesn't matter. I'm loving this,eventho I have never loved before. It is just a simple.....metaphor.
My seven.....apprentices. Are more than just what they seem. They have a heart and an essence. The pure essence of the Master. Who?! MYSELF. Of course. My commands make them alive,like the voice of a mother who tells a lullaby to the.....son. Passing that energy from the heart to the soul of her.....creation.
A............................Creation.....Yes. YES!!!

Soon shall my plan be fulfilled. Soon shall my real power rise. For now I'm nothing but a crazy man to these little arrogant insects. I shall show them my.....thoughts.
Soon..........Soon enough!! YES!!!!

The Alchemist.


Daniel Viana Alencar.