
So uhm,I love you all,really,I do,uhm,if it weren't for all my readers,uhm,I wouldn't,uhm be here,uhm,writing this,uhm,post.
No,I really mean it from the bottom of my heart,please believe,I'd do anything for you guys...
I appreciate all the mails and suggestions,all of the kind words and compliments,
I have to say I feel a bit emotioned right now,because you guys are too awesome,you make me feel this way.
Couldn't I never have thought of a better something to write about,because all I think about are you,my fans,the ones that support me all the time and bring me new ideas to evolve with,thank you very much,really,like really very really much thank you alot very much,my best friends for life <3(little heart),I will always remember each one of you and will think about you always,the people who have given me strength to move forward.
Thank you,thank you and thank you once more,you guys,my fans,my fanatics are so awesome.
Love you all,with much love,obviously much love,yeah;

Daniel Viana Alencar.