
I wake up with a bad feeling,so I skip that part.
While I'm eating breakfast,my boss calls me,so I skip that part.
My friend is having a bay day,so she sends me an angry message. I skip that part.
In the subway waiting,an ugly girl keeps staring at me,so I skip that part.
The subway I were in,had a circuit-break and I was stuck 30mins,I skip that part.
I arrived 30mins late for work,and the boss comes ape-shit on me. I skip that part.
The one girl I find attractive and most interesting is now in a relationship. I skip that part,sadly.
I'm up for a drink,so I walk up to the bar and realize I lost my wallet. I really skip that part.
I come disappointed home,since my day was not one of the best. I skip that part.

I rather skip parts,than coming back to them. If something is not good,than I preffer not being a part of it,as it is not worthy. There are people who feel like playing with old cards everyday,and giving credit to people who don't deserve it. Better than acting bad in situation,is skipping it. Better than wasting your time with somebody that isn't worth the time,is skipping that person.

Daniel Viana Alencar.