Danny - Stories

There was a young man,called Danny,he was called that way,because he was small. So people didn't call him Daniel,they did call him Danny as it sounded less important and yet mocking.
Danny had a normal life,except,he wasn't just like all the other kids. He was different because of his way in thinking and being. He had this life-style other people couldn't understand. He used to call himself ''free''.
Eventho in school the other boys mocked him for being short and acting weirdly,he had many friends,people who were around him all the time. After all,he was a happy kid.
There were problems,of course,anywhere he went,he eventually met problems,one of those were bullies,those were everywhere back then.
As I said,he was a short boy in comparision to others,and had a 'different way of thinking'.
In class,he used to fail alot,just because he didn't want to study,and when he actually wanted to study,he aced everything and always went up first in class. They couldn't understand his mysterious ways of being,as he was never in only one place,and he was never doing the same thing.

S - ''What is up with you,Danny?''

D - ''Nothing,really...just thinking,as always.''

S - ''You seem far out in the moon,boy. Focus in class.''

D - ''Sorry Ma'am,and Yes Ma'am.

Nobody ever noticed him in his corner writing his new ideas on paper,which years later came to life.
He was always watching people and trying to understand them,each one of them.
He wrote on paper:
(Why is she lying to me? Why is Rachel always lying to everybody,and this including me? Maybe that's because she hasn't learn the truth yet...maybe it is me the one to teach her the truth!)

Danny didn't like to mess around with life,he was always studying it,trying to figure it out,so he wouldn't upset it. To him,life had a whole new meaning,differing that to other things as well.
A regular kid having a regular life,but with a whole new idea of living life...
...different. People thought of him as just a kid,because the perception of people,these days...
...Is just poor and vain.
He didn't mind,wether is was opinion or influence on him,he never minded anything but his own business.

He wasn't a mastermind or anything,he had a life as a normal boy. He dated girls,and hung out all the time,just like a normal person. But he wanted more,he wanted to knowledge everything around him. That was the big difference. He did care about things and wanted to know more about them.

D - ''Man,I wish I did understand the reason for all the things.''

F - ''You eventually will,son. Not all of the things,but alot of them.''

D - ''I believe you,dad.''

F - ''Just always be who you are ment to be. Be a good person,and you'll understand life.''

Indeed,Danny was raised as a good kid,he knew the basics of law and living,he knew he wasn't supposed to steal or cheat,or do bad things in general. Oh yeah,he had a bad side like everybody,but it was harmless,he never did wrong things because he knew there was a consequence to each one of his acts.
Acting good is acting normal,acting wrong is acting crazy,and he wasn't a normal guy,so he always acted 'different',which wasn't in middle of good nor wrong,it was his unique way that stood appart from the normal things,the wanting of being different than others made him that way.

R - ''The door is locked?! How are we supposed to get in?!''

T - ''We can try to pick the lock and get in anyway...''

A - ''There is always another option,we just have to think.''

D - ''There is a tall fence,we can just climb over. No breaking doors.''

Being different,acting different because he was born different. The word ''Different'' means ''not casual,not usual,not the same'',so the difference between him and the other people was,he was different in a good way,he was different,but good different. People may dispise you,may look you with a weird eye or mock you,but you are who you are,and if they don't accept you for who you are,they won't accept them for themselves. You can change yourself,they can't.

- S - Mrs. Simons
- D - Danny
- F - Father
- R - Rachel
- T - Tony
- A - Alice
Daniel Viana Alencar.