
(?) - Man...are you tired of being stuck in the 2nd castle of Super Mario Bros?
(?) - Are you tired of being powerless,because there are too many obstacles?
(?) - Are you tired of never seeing anything with positivity?

(?) - If you said YES to any alternative,than this is for you!!

D - Things are how we see them.

(?) - Is this all you have to say to the readers?

D - Basically,yes.

(?) - Please,an explanation.

D - Alright then...

Well,things are how we see them,and about this matter,we can't discuss.
If you see a rock and think the rock is an U.F.O,than the rock will obviously be an u.f.o.
How I mean? Uch,you are the one who controls your points of view,meaning that you can control your own way of seeing things.
Example: ''Man,the exam is going to be impossible tomorrow. I'm so screwed.''
Yeah,the exam is going to be hard,and you probably are going to fail it,just because you thought it was going to be so.
On the other hand - ''Man,the exam is going to be a piece of cake tomorrow. I'm so good.''
Consequently,the exam is going to be way better than the ''impossible'' version,because being positive,makes us more comfortable with the idea of doing that something,making it easier in every aspect.

It all depends on that little word - Determination.
Determination is one of the mental perfections,meaning really alot to the bearer.
If you are not determined,you are never going anywhere,and you are gonna stay right there,standing in the same spot,growing moss all over your legs.
Being determined means being focused,being strong,being a challenge-overcomer,being an acceptance to new ideas and persevering the little bad things of life. It all comes down to the same point - being determined takes you to other places and brings you new experiences,plus helps you overcome the barriers of the normal days and the hard ones.
You are not determined? You'll never pass the second castle of Super Mario Bros.

D - Daniel.
(?) - Narrator,teller.
Title In dedication to one of my very good friends - Omri Shloosh.
Daniel Viana Alencar - ''It is not difficult,you just imagine it so.''