
Before you spoke,I have heard,
before you thought,I have felt,
before you had done it,I have seen it.
There is no way to hide your acts,
It is all easy and clear,it is all up there,
in the face of everyone who really wants
to see what it looks like.
Truth has long paths and ways,
Lie has short paths and ways,
whether you lie or tell the truth,
It is all up to you,
being a good human,
being a bad human,
it is all up to you,
whether you want to live your life,
or die as somebody insignificant,
that's all on you,
because you are the one who makes,
all the difference in the end of the day,
you may be born the insignificant being,
or the king of a whole nation.

Daniel Viana Alencar - The King and the pawn,no such Resemblance.