
You are who you are,which means...
You think low,you are low. Your life is pie,you are a big slice of pie.
Your actions make you what you are,and that's it,I mean,there's no ''I think this is wrong''.
You feel bad,you feel like a failure? Okay to think that way after something goes wrong,no problem with that,but if you think you're useless all the time,than you certainly are useless.
You like to lie,your life is a big lie. You lie to somebody,that person if going to believe in you,and in their minds,you are telling the truth,which is a lie,because you are a liar,and that makes a sum of +1 to your fake life.
We live and make the proportions of our lives,and everything around us,is made by our own selves.
In life,there is nothing you can restore,like a lie,or something consumed,or something broken; even if you fix it,it's never going to look the same or be the same as before. Once done,you can't go back.
That's how life equals to you. You fuck with life,life brings the consequence back,and makes you even.
There's never any ''debts'' with life.

Act = Consequence = A lead to somewhere else. You are here now,in a bit you'll be somewhere else.

Daniel Viana Alencar - It is not MY way of thinking,it is life,and these,are MY words.