Unfair Life,huh?

You ever wondered why so many people in this world are fucked up?
Yeah man,so many people are fucked up and they always complain about life being hard and unfair to them,but the truth is,life is not fair and we all know it,but hard? Like dude,how can you say life is hard if you never even tried it. Hahaah! You wanna be rich from day to night,and you never made it,so for you,life is indeed hard,because you want something without fighting for it.

Nvm,forget about all that crap up there.
What I really wanna say is; People fuck things up,because they don't think on what they are doing.
If somebody stopped and thought 3x before doing an action,there wouldn't be so many damned people out there. For real. How many people actually think before doing something,huh? BARELY ANYONE.
Don't ever blame life for your impotency of doing things right.
Life has it's own way,it is not your way,and if you don't actually wanna go its way...oh well.
If you say life is unfair,I say - ''So what?Look at the sky.''

Daniel Viana Alencar.