Loose Tongue

''Not hearing anything,not hearing anything,but thinking alot of things,but thinking many things.
Not listening to anything,but saying alot of things.''

First - Hear.
Second - Think.
Third - See.
Fourth - Think.
Fifth - Speak.

If you don't hear,don't think,if you don't see,don't speak. And if you hear and see,think twice before you speak.
Sometimes a snake,can kill itself with its own venom,for tripping over it's own body.

You like to speak much? Most likely you will poison yourself with your own words. Be careful about what you say to people,and be careful with the stuff you create inside your head.
Don't think too much,don't see too much,don't talk too much.
Be balanced. Be good with yourself.

Daniel Viana Alencar - Wise is the one who listens,not the one who speaks.