Accepting Blindly

When you really love,or when you really like somebody;
You don't see the flaws,in a way that you practically can only see the good things about that person.
It is just like the popular saying - ''Love blinds''.
Of course,everyone has a ton of flaws,that's the reason we are humans and not God,or someone of kind. And by saying this I mean,I could see by the first day,all the flaws of a woman,but I just can't,because it is rather liking or loving,it blinds me in not believing there is any flaw about that person.
After time,the flaws you notice,become accepted because you love,and also because you have flaws,and that person has accepted the flawy you,together with the beautiful you.

''Love blinds,to make us not see difference and stop loving because of the same.
To love,you must accept,and to accept,you must love.''
Daniel Viana Alencar.