Saving Myself

I Look at the other side of this pit and think:
''If I leap across this big hole in the ground,I will have passage to the next city.
It can't be difficult,right? I mean,I can jump a simple hole like this...
...all I need is speed. Enough of it.''

I gather enough speed and leap across the pit,without even blinking for 0.1 second...
...the other side is great,it feels very good.
The ground has markings,markings of little fissures.
Oh no...oh no...
The ground collapses into a bunch of rocks falling inside the pit...dragging me in,without a choice.
''Gather balance,Daniel,don't lose grip...these may be your last thoughts,so use them wisely.''

- ''This pit doesn't even have a bottom,if I fall,it's game over for me,I am more than certain...
I need to be strong,I need to use all my strength if I want to live further...
Not for me,there is no game over for me,I will get back on top,sane and alive just like I am now!''

- ''Death is calling my name...deep inside of this hole I hear a voice,calling me in.
Mrs. Death itself has come to take me off this ground.
What am I doing? My courage is my freedom,and my freedom is my life.
Nor hole,not death can take my life away.
I will struggle till the last moment of my life,to save myself.''

(''I could've found another way to cross this gap,but I was brave enough to face it.
Here is my prize. A bigger yet challenge for me to overcome.'')

''After minutes,my body feels tired,but I am reaching the top again.
Just a few more steps and I will be free again.
At this moment,what seemed scary,has become a reason to live.''

I see the end,I see the freedom !
Struggling to survive,because of a bad decision.
Even knowing it was not my fault,and that I could not predict the future,I could've not done this. Not this way. Regret before the feeling of accomplishment together with strength and courage. I did it...I tried it,and even it didn't have a great outcome,I got back on my feet,and I still live. This was nothing but another obstacle,which is now behind me.

Sometimes you can call this pit of - 'people','relationships','barriers'.
What matters,is that you get on top of it.

Daniel Viana Alencar.