Relationships - What men think of

To men,relationships are very simple,this is how we see it:
She is my woman,I have to give her love and attention when she needs it,I need to be there for her all the time.
We don't really care about any of the rest,we just want to give a woman the attention she needs,the pleasure she wants,and that is all that should be taken care of. Men make it simple when coming to women,and i'm not saying women are something to diminish,i'm saying women are complicated as rocket science.

Why are men the first to end a relationship?
A relationship depends on the woman to make things work,and that is because we are the givers,we only give what you women ask us to,while you ask too much of us and sometimes that can get very tiring and frustrating,or when we give too much to you and get less than we expected in return,that can end it all.

Frequent reasons for men to end a relationship:
Calling too much:Oh girl,please stop it. I can't answer the phone all the time,I got a life you know?
Spamming SMS:Everytime I pickup the phone there are 986293759 messages,holy **** !
Not giving space:
I can't think about myself because I have to worry about all your problems.
Being too selfish:When we have quality time together,you only wanna do what you want.
I can't talk to you:Everytime I try to talk to you,you have something better to talk about,i'm voiceless.
Insisting about it:Look,if I said I can't do it,I can't do it,insisting won't make my pockets bigger!
Trying to teach:You're always telling me what to do,but guess what,I am a grown-up too.

Daniel Viana AlencarRelationships are about understanding one another and loving like there is no tomorrow,but of course,the start must come from both sides. What ruins a relationship is trying to live one anothers' life.