
Idea,idea,idea,the mind is composed,filled with ideas!
So many ideas I don't know where to put them !
Notebook? Blog? Sketchbook? Diary? Painting? Music?
There are so many ways to express what lies deep inside of myself...letting go of all the sentiments,inside of this screen.
An abstract painting that reveals me in so many ways,so many ways that only I understand,that only I wanna understand;A song that reminds me of many moments of the past,with a slight touch of myself;or even a drawing I made when I was younger. Everything is an idea,and expressed right,an idea becomes Art! Art that will serve for other people's inspiration. Something simple to the eyes,and very intriguing to the mind...very passionate to the soul,heart opening feelings,out of Art. It is all an idea!
An idea makes all the difference,when it is Yours.

Daniel Viana Alencar.