
You know...everytime it happens the same way...and I feel like making myself disappear...
Now you are here speaking my name,tomorrow you aren't here no more,and over-tomorrow you come back crying at my door. - ''I miss you,Daniel,I need you,Daniel.'',first time I heard it,I thought you were telling the truth; second time I heard it I thought you regret your mistake; third time I heard it,I felt like slamming the door on your face...but I couldn't. I am too weak,I just can't resist acting right against you. So painful everytime I wish to disappear,being selfish to death with my thoughts,saying to myself how easy it will become with you thousands of miles away,how happy I would be,everytime I only think about life without these fake tears of yours. I sound ridiculous,I sound stupid and dumb when I say I am going to disappear,but next time you come crying at my door,this is what I am going to do.

Daniel Viana Alencar.