Happiness is a choice

Lately i've been thinking about life's whereabouts. I mean,where it all goes with this fascination for happiness and well-being. Life has only one goal for a human being,and that is being happy,obviously.
There is nothing that can make a human more pleased than happiness,because it is the one that brings everything that is good upon us,the happiness.
Happiness is the ultimate goal,something what we want in everything else we may want,as well as being loved,giving love,having a strongly-bound family,a bright future ahead of you,well,everything contributes to life's happiness.

Fact is that people will as well look at everything around them and ask once: ''What is the price,what is the key to happiness?''.
Doing bad things has a huge price,while doing good things has no price at all.
If you want to be happy,I suppose,there are many things to be done.
Happiness comes from feeling well,and feeling well means doing well and doing well means doing something good,agree? You can't actually feel good by doing something bad;that would be called evil genes.
If you do good things,you are actually going to live good things,and by living good things you are also going to be living in happiness. Doing something good brings the 'good' sentiments upon yourself,like: Joy,Love,Freedom,Pleasure,Comfort and Happiness.
Meanwhile doing the bad things you get the 'bad' effects upon yourself:
Anger,Bind,Sadness,Loneliness,Sour and everything else you can imagine.

What you plant is what you harvest. If you plant a good seed,you are going to harvest good fruit.
On the other hand,if you plant evil seeds,you are going to harvest evil fruit.
You can never plant something good and get something evil in return,and neither the other way;
it is impossible.

Happiness is about doing good things in life. Doing the good things bring us pleasure and happiness.
Daniel Viana Alencar - This is not a cheap guide,this is reality.