Stone Skinned

Felt in love and it was so amazing.
Got my heart broken.
It was so devastating...indeed it was bad.

Went from good-boy to bad-boy.
Played a bunch of women,like toys.
It was cold,like my heart had turned to ice.

My attention was called by a stranger.
The cold heart began to beat again.
Like the feeling could change things.

Went from bad-boy to good-boy.
Other women didn't exist anymore.
I Felt like the right thing to do.

The feeling caught-up quickly.
Got my heart broken once again.
It was all over quickly,like nothing ever happened.

The night roughens up.
It is time to think about life.
Turn a bad or good man won't make me who I am.

It does not hurt at all.
An empty space is created right after.
I miss the filling of that space.

Life is always unpredictable.
This was an experience and I've learnt.
And for the best,it is meant.

Daniel Viana Alencar.