
I have lived,many many years. Yet I still remain!
Call me old,call me useless,but your words go in vain.
I see everything that happens,because all I do is see.
I do not speak,for the reason people cannot hear me...
I also lament all the things I have not done.
In my world,there are no dreams,no wants,nor goals...we just wander around...looking.
The truth is,I wish I could live once again,just to laugh...
...maybe even feel things again.
Here we have nothing to do,we just stand still and watch,like the old folks.
How marvelous can the world be...And I had never known that,I just know it now,after it is all gone.
Still,I do not complain. I do not feel hunger,neither feel sleep,I just watch everything like a camera.
I don't have any fun,because all I do is see things happening. Cannot prevent it,cannot help somebody.
You just...wander around...looking.
My days are just days. There is no day or night,there is only void everywhere I look.
Bah,it is boring if you ask me,because humans are boring and they do boring things too.
Who am I talking to anyway,if nobody can hear me. Ach,I'll just wander around a little more.

Daniel Viana Alencar.