
M - AH-HAM,excuse-me Sir.
D - Yes Madame?
M - Could you move that couple out of that table for me?
D - I have no apparent reason to do such thing. hmm...
M - Just call me Madame,Sir.

D - Indeed.

M - So,will you remove them for me?
D - Forgive me if I sound wrong,but no.
M - I want that table,isn't that clear for you.
D - They are customers,and they were here first,so,
please wait untill it is unoccupied or find another table to stay at.

- No,I want THAT table,and I want it now.
D - Cannot do that,Madame. What I can do is show you another table.
M - You are so disappointing,Sir.
D - ...
M - Better than that,you are also incompetent.
Me,a Madame,should have a special place to stay at,not those...those two.

- Madame or not,they were here first.
So if you can excuse me,I have more clients to attend to.

- Don't leave me here,you incompetent !!
D - Have a good day,'Madame'.

- I am going to call the manager,or the owner!
And you going to be so fired!

- Madame,before anything,I am the owner,and I am finished with you.
So please,leave now.

- but....but...but......you,uh,you must be lying,you lying bastard.
D - Guards!
M - You can't do that.
G - Follow me to the exit,Madame.
M - Uh,this must be wrong...
G - Come on.

(D as Daniel,M as Madame,and G as Guard)
Daniel Viana Alencar.