I'll be Me

The world tries to change me everyday,the same way he does it to you and everything around it.
People change,constantly,I wish it wasn't that way.
Today we live the greed,but what are we going to live tomorrow(just an example)?
You change the world,and the world changes you back,just like a trade,just like a thoughts from age to age.
- The world means everyone in it,as a way to say that we humans are the world.
So,the people in this world are changing you to its like...like fashion that is already a part of people,which was made by one person,so,that means one person changed the whole world,and you are one of them.
Following styles,trends and people,that's the world.
No problem into thinking something is attractive,naaah,I like too many things,yeah,but I don't live for any of them,that's the whole point of it all isn't it? living for something?
You live for somebody else's goal,which is......think about it.
Example? Fine:
Some people work for a major companies which are worldwide,and to them,it is like a dream to work for some huge ass company like that.
They live their lives to fulfill someones big dream,which is to have a major worldwide company(another example).
Having a dream is being big,being different,being not as regular as everybody else,and not having and doing what everybody else does and has. That's a dream.
My dream,well,it's not really possible,but I have hope at a point,that everybody will be happy.
Isn't that stupid? isn't that stupid and different? How many people say something like that? Oh well,you'll ask your friend what his dream is,and he's gonna say some cliché like - ''My dream is to have a cool sports car.'' or something even more stupid like - ''My dream is to have a beautiful family with a beautiful wife and child.''
my last words are ''..................................................''

Daniel Viana Alencar - Yeah...if truth did hurt,I'd be dead by now.