Changing For?

All about changing,changing all the time.
It's always when you look at me and say ''stop'',than it goes ''stop this,stop doing that'',come on,I mean I like changing,and changes are always good,but I'm always hearing:
''Daniel,you have to change this aspect''.
Now,I'm not sorry,and i'd like you to change too sometimes...
...and than again you say ''Daniel,don't you love me for who I am? If you do,why do I need to change?''
This gets me thinking on the obvious. If you're wanting me to change my ways so often,it is more than obvious that you don't love me.
Look,I do love you,and for who you are,but we are together on this,so we must change together.
I mean,it's not fair if you're only pulling one side of the rope...
...If you want me to change from now on,you're going to change something of yourself for it.

Daniel Viana Alencar.