The world isn't what we think it is

The world... Isn't what we think it is. Actually, the world is one pitiful place to be in. Where the soulless live; where murder is common and justice, just a part of our imagination. You see, what is, usually isn't and what isn't doesn't belong to us. The world does not belong to us, it was a gift given to us. But at the same time, we learned that the way to live, is destroying. We have destroyed our home. Earth. All we have left are ruins. The thirst for man-made power is what has cursed us all to live like this. Power does not exist, it is the fruit of imagination. At times I stop walking just to see what we have done... Which cannot be undone. A life taken, does not return. A tree hacked down does not return. We have forgoten the existance of others, just to put ourselves above. We despise life because we don't know what it means. We hurt anything we put our hands on, just because it makes us feel different. Selfishness and arrogance for the wrong reasons. I grief for us all, for the ignorant and the inteligent alike. For the ones that couldn't understand life, and for the ones that understood but used that knowledge in his favor only. I grief for ones that had a chance to change, but didn't because they were to weak to. And lastly, I grief for the ones that were taken by evil and its strings to be used and manipulated in favor of the destruction. We can never think about the end without thinking about the begin. We won't change. Our destinies cross with the oblivion. (Photo of Daniel Viana Alencar by Junior Pelaez). My thoughts, which exist and are not merely an illusion. -Daniel Viana Alencar of D.A.T.W, or as many call -Lion Daniel. See the original post on facebook here: