
Taming an ferocious wild animal may be hard,but it is possible.
Attempting to tame a human being,is stupid because it is not possible.
You can't tame somebody with your voice and all your might,because we are all individuals,individually strong,and this makes a human potent against other humans. You can't control somebody because you feel like it.And with the therm 'taming' I mean petting somebody,because a human life is not like an animal's life. In here,you mess with somebody,and that person will have revenge,when the animal,you mess with him,and he won't do anything back,because he doesn't keep the feeling in his heart for the always; at one time,the animal forgets it,when the human...well,humans don't forget,humans have ideals,goals and wants,all individually,making each one of them unable to tame others,or even be tamed.
powerful are humans,and as these,we are Untamed.

Title - 'Untamed' by Cristiane Panassol.
Daniel Viana Alencar.