Past Smiles

In this place full of sad faces I live,
I don't know smiles no more as I can't remember the last time i've seen one.
6 years have past,I can't believe,
years that feel like yesterday,where smiles from everywhere did come.
Now my happiness is my trust,and my trust is nowhere to find,
why did I leave that wonderful life behind?
Lonely and cold,actual days feel,
lonely and bold,cold as a blade of steel.
I don't forget those days,bright smiles everyday,with every different way,
happiness everywhere,goals and ideals in my mind,no trouble,no problems...
...nothing a simple smile couldn't fix.
I will return,because a story is written by the the writer and his pen,
as destiny,we make our own.
I am writing my story,and this one,will be full of smiles.

In dedication to my dear friend Marjolein Simons;
Thank you for everything you have taught me.

Daniel Viana Alencar.