
I'm going outta town,just to catch a view of different place,maybe getting some fresh air,after all,these days have been the same as the ones before,and i'm looking for something different to do.
I wish to stay 40 hours up,no rest,no worries,no problems...just a hell of a party! Nightlife!!
Maybe i'll take 12 shots of pure vodka,maybe i'll do 12 girls,maybe i'll eat 12 hours of party in a first go...
I just don't mind,not at all.
What might happen? No idea,but i'm gonna get the best of it.
This simple life has always been consuming me,and now it's time for a change.
What about a change of life? Just perfect time in a hot place,with hot people and cold drinks.
No such thing as regret,this is my choice,i'm trading the day for the night and i'm gonna live it intensely.

Daniel Viana Alencar.