
One day I was walking down this street as always,but this time I felt something different,
different in the way there was a smell,a familiar smell of the past,and while I walked thru that place,
I got a flashback.
The memories...of a child playing with his toys,and dreaming of big adventures...dreaming of being a hero,a pirate and a super-hero at the same time,with the dreams of a little boy...the boy I was.
That flashback took me 15 years in the past,and things I did not understand then,I do understand now,but for no use,because I can't go back. Amazed,very amazed by the fact that only a smell can take me back in 15 years,while a photo can't remind me of anything or bring up any memory.
Curious thing is that I don't remember all the girlfriends I had,but I can remember the perfume of each one of them,and because of a smell,everything comes back.

Daniel Viana Alencar.