
intensely,live with happiness and no regrets,be always on top of your plans and be the best at everything you do,because life is only once,so you may only have one chance of doing things,one chance of being happy,and one chance of living what life has to offer,so live life and be who you want to be,make plans,be big as you always wanted to be,have an unique life style!
Laugh about the funny things and also the not-funny ones,be always cheerd and filled with joy,because we reflect who we are,to the other people,and our happiness is contageous,it catches quickly every person around you. Be the one with a big smile,with kind words and nice things to say,because people are attracted to things that are good,and like a magnet,you're always going to be attracting people to you!
Love like no-one else ever did,be a lover not a hater,make a difference in this ugly world we live in!
Aren't you tired of seeing sad faces all around? That's because you never tried to smile to those persons!
One smile can make somebodies' day,and one word can change everything! Because it is a simple act of love,love for life and everyone in it. And as i've said it before,your energy is contageous,and being in a good flow is making sure you are going to be passing that energy to everyone around you.

No More Sad Faces!

Daniel Viana Alencar.