Far away from home - Part Two

    Rachel and Jasmin walk further in direction of the white mountain,but both are so quiet,living in their own worlds.You can even hear the sound of the wind going thru the forest because of the silence.
    In Rachel's mind,nothing makes sense,it is all twisted up and she's in a surreal place seeing and living surreal things. To her it all seems so stupid,but yet very enigmatic in the way she can't find out the reason of it all just by thinking of it.
    The mountain is about 500 meters away,and they have been walking for almost an hour and a half without speaking any words to each other.
    Barely there,Rachel sees the mountain from bottom to top,and there is grass over the mountain,but that's impossible,mountains don't have anything over it,and white grass? that's just freaky. So thought Rachel in herself,but nothing yet made sense,so she kept quiet in her own ,waiting to see what waited for her on top of that mountain.
    As Rachel climbs the mountain with many effords,the fairy just flew away to the top without much problem,leaving Rachel behind,which was pretty ironic because Rachel had wings in her white dress,but that was just decoration.
    Arriving on top of the mountain after long minutes of climbing that mountain,she sits and rests her tired body for some few seconds and walks a bit further till the middle of the mountain.
- ''But there is nothing here instead of a door?...how can a door be laying in middle of nowhere without any kind of support. Oh,I believe I had to expect that.'',says Rachel annoyed by the fact that the door is on top of the mountain without anything around it,just a simple door in middle of nowhere like she said.
- ''I am feeling too curious,I want to open that door. Aw come on Rachel! If you open the door you will only be able to see what's on the other side of the door. So why bothering to open it?!'',says Rachel to herself while trying to imagine what could be on the other side of the door other than the mountain she already knows  that there is.
- ''Let me open it real quick and see what happens...'',says Rachel while walking to the door.
...As Rachel approaches her hand to the door knob...the knob starts spinning by itself slowly,and starts to open the door.
    Freaking scared,Rachel jumps back a few meters and waits to see what comes out of the door,with her legs practically shaking out of fear,because she didn't expect the door to open itself.
    As the door opens,she can only see darkness thru it,and in Rachel's head that is so curious,she wants to take a look a bit closer.
  So she walks closer to the door,a bit in fear,but very curious as she wouldn't think of a door with darkness inside of it. Pretty much interesting...
...so she gets closer to the door and sees a woman sleeping,but that reminds her of something. That person is familiar to her eyes...
- ''That's me? She looks just like me! That must be me. But why is a door showing me sleeping...?'',asks Rachel to herself since nobody else is around.

- ''Rachel,that is you,as you have noticed. And you are that.'',says Jasmin to Rachel.

- ''Okay,that's me,but I am that? What do you mean by that?'',asks Rachel to Jasmin.

- ''You are asleep,and now it is time for you to wake up...'',says Jasmin.
- ''....ehm....I am not asleep.'',says Rachel.
    From a bit of distance,comes a noise,a very disturbing noise,that quickly gets harder to the ears.

- ''I told you that you were asleep.'',says Jasmin.

    Rachel closes her eyes,and opens them again. She looks at her hands and at everything around her.
- ''Oh God...what was this all about?'',says Rachel while looking at the clock which is pointing at 7:00 AM,inside her bedroom.

- ''Good morning sweetheart!'',says Rachel's mother just besides the door of her bedroom.

- ''Good morning mom...och I just had a freaky dream,so real! I can't even believe I just woke up.'',says Rachel to her mother.

- ''Oh,that's normal,we have those all the time! Now hurry up and come for breakfast,okay?'',says her mother  while leaving to the stairs.

- ''Wow,this was incredible...for just a dream. Maybe there are things I can discover...who knows?'',says Rachel to herself.                      
The End

- Far Away From Home story by Daniel Viana Alencar -
Daniel Viana Alencar.