Far away from home - Part One

    She was very far from home,and in a place with huge trees,weird bugs and very amusing lights.

    Rachel kept looking at the little lights and wondered where they came from,or what actually made them lights,or even why they flew in the same spot for so long.
    But Rachel didn't really concern the matter of her being alone in a distant place without a path to follow or without any kind of direction...she only thought on how beautiful it was in this place.
    This place was all different. The colors were attractive and stronger than regular colors;trees were huge and they had some kind of glittering shell over them,but the shell was too thick,it could be picked with the own hands.

'How Rachel got there? It is rather interesting.

    She were on a road-trip with her parents,and everything was going great. Until her father got shocked by something he saw on the road,lost control of the car and crashed against one of these huge trees.
    After that,she can't remember how she got the white dress with wings on it,or how she actually made it to the woods without a scratch. But she barely cares about it all,she is amazed by the place.

    For one day she kept thinking of everything she had been thru,trying to remember the reason she got there.
    In her mind of course,there must have been a reason why it happened,but nothing came to mind as the day passed,and as she realized it was getting darker while she was still above a tree looking at the endless horizon,
she decided she was going to find her parents inside this forest,somehow.
    Everywhere Rachel looks,there is something strange going on,but she doesn't get spooked by the way things are in this place,she ignores it all and keeps walking thowards the sun,that is almost gone.

- ''Ouch!!'',said Rachel when something fell on her head.
- ''What could this be?'',she asks herself.
    In her hands she has something that is hard on the inside while it is soft on the outside,and she has never seen anything like that. It looks like a pearl,but you can touch what is inside,because the outershell is more like some soft clay,white soft clay that doesn't break any parts of it.
- ''I might want to keep this,who knows it might have some use later?'',she tells herself again and keeps walking straight.
    Rachel walks for about seven miles before she gets tired,and than she stops when she finds a mountain with an entrance in it. In her thoughts,she was living something as fantasy,but there was more to that.
    The place was something like a cave with a glowing drawing on top of it. She didn't know if it was correct to enter the place,because she didn't know what there laid or even anything of sort.
    Thinking twice,Rachel flashbacks everything in three seconds and makes one thing clear to her mind.
''I suddenly got into some odd place,I don't know where I am,there is no signal of human life around here and yet,in front of me,there is a cave with glowing cyan drawings on top of it. I've got no choice right now.''
    So Rachel steps inside cautiously,looking at the sides trying to figure out what kind of things may be inside that place,and she walked for some few meters inside...the cave is dark,her spine is frozen and she is completely scared,but she keeps walking slowly forward...in one moment she looks back and sees the moon-light shining the trees' shell just outside the cave.
    The next moment when Rachel looks back forward,there is a dim light pulsing just ahead of her,it is just like a little orb of pulsing light,but she still doesn't know what that is. So she walks closer to the light.
    As she walks closer to the light,it starts pulsing a bit faster,as if it were sensing somebody around it.
    Almost in front of it,Rachel stops walking and starts starring at the light...she doesn't look surprised,
nor scared,neither shocked,but amazed. As if nothing could take her away from that moment.
She comes closer and the light pulses really fast,while from it comes a weak voice,it seems like a childs' voice,
but on the ground there is a butterfly looking thing,with a human body? A very tiny little butterfly with hair and arms,legs,head...and a voice is coming from it,that's the oddest.

- ''Wait,I have seen this before,in cartoons and movies. But in real life? I must be dreaming.'',said Rachel to herself once again.

- ''Please help me.'',the little butterfly thing says.

- ''You are talking to me? You can talk? In my language?'',says Rachel to the tiny light on the ground.

- ''Yes,but please help me.'',says the little butterfly with a weak voice.

- ''How can I help you?,asks Rachel with a worried look in her face.

- ''I need a PulBerry's water. My body is weak because of the rain,and it doesn't heal by itself...'',says the little butterfly.

- ''It looks like a white round rock,similar as an Oyster-Gem.'',continues the butterfly.
    Rachel puts her hand in her right pocket and takes out the white pearl-looking thing and puts it near the little butterfly.

- ''Is this it? It fell on my head when I was walking thru the forest.'',says Rachel.

- ''You can call me Jasmin,that is my name.'',says the little butterfly while throwing the pearl's water over her body and wings.
    The water thrown over the Fairy's head becomes little glowing flowers,that start to spread over her body.
Rachel looks at the scene without understanding anything of it.

- ''My name is Rachel...what place is this exactly?'',says Rachel.

- ''I don't understand your question.'',says Jasmin.

- ''well,I was in my car with my parents,and the car crashed against a weird tree,that's all I remember...and I appeared near one of these odd trees.'',says Rachel a bit worried.

- ''You might be thinking that I am a fairy,and so am I.'',says Jasmin.

- ''We must get going before it is late. there is a place we can go,but we must hurry!'',says Jasmin.
    Rachel and Jasmin leave the cave as it is night and together they walk thowards a white mountain with snow covering it,in a distance of at least two miles.

To Be Continued.
Daniel Viana Alencar.