
I was born to be nimble,that I was...and...agile,clever,opportunist!
Also,I was born to be all by myself thru the nights.
I cannot understand it the day can be so long,while the night is so short!
Grab myself up at 7pm,to go out,and right after,I'm already back.
By my whiskers,I cannot understand the logic of the world.
I see these dumb humans doing the same thing over and over again,don't they get tired of doing the same thing all over again? I,at least,always do something different,yeah;
One day I'm hanging-out with some pals,the next day I'm on a stroll over the city,and the next,I'm on watch over the city on some high-roof.
Being sky-high up on a tree or a house's roof,is not compared to anything else,it really feels like being superior than all other beings,yeah,just feels great.
Best food ever,you ask me? Tuna,ooooh yeah,there's nothing better to eat than that,specially when you spend most of your life scavaging little food like,mice. Ugh,mice are not even food,those are despiseable,I can tell you. Other than being independent and all self-sufficient,I'm loved by everybody,and i'm pretty.
I'm a cat,what else do I have to say? I'm the best.

Daniel Viana Alencar.