Heartbreak Movie

It happens all over again. You just know what is about to happen,as you've seen it before,but you fake it to be the first time,just to see what happens next.
Like you expected,it went down just like before,because a movie,only has one direction,plus,this one,you've seen a thousand of times,so there isn't much surprise in it.
Still,you see the end of the movie and cry. Because eventho you've seen in before,it still messes with your senses,it does mess with your feelings,for that moment.
Feels worse with each time you see it,as you get the essence of those tears,the drama of the character and everything surrounding the moment.

Now trade the movie part for 'relationship'.
A heartbreak,you've seen before. Who didn't. But each time you go thru it,hurts like never before,and each time you try something new,it comes down one way or the other,but not because you've done something wrong,it just happens without a single sense in it.
For no reason a person disappears,for no reason at all. What does that even mean?
For no reason a person chooses to go the wrong way,leaving everything good behind,to regret all later.
It is tiring,stressing,painful,just to live it. Now to live that twenty times,you must start wondering what the hell is wrong. Let me tell you something. There is nothing wrong with you. There is something wrong with Ninety Percent of all humanity,so,something simple as love,has become a gamble,where you have to be very lucky to obtain.
Raising defenses,having a cold heart,all over again. With time you thought you'd learn to ignore the pain.
You know what...
...I rather watch a movie twenty times than go thru that again.

Daniel Viana Alencar.