
''Having a thousand bitches may seem good,but having one woman who loves you,is priceless.''

Sometimes,there is the mistake of the heart,when it goes all in for that one whore of a woman you think is the right one for your life,the one that makes you fall in love and give your soul out like it's nothing.
You go ahead,and do your best,hand out the heart wrapped with rose petals...
...yet,you get stabbed in the back by the same feeling and get laughed at by your own self.
''The one you used to trust;the one you used to dream with,becomes the one you hate.''
You start thinking of yourself as a fool,not a smart,neither a good man.
Giving yourself in,means something big for the one who loves,for the one who cares...
...not for the one who receives it.
You decide to leave,to just walk away from it all. Worthless,waste of your time.
And when you are ready to move-on...
...She comes up to you in the middle of the midnight and says:
''I miss you so much.''
And you go ahead and do it all over again,like a little dummy without course...you just follow emotions.
Weakness of your soul,hungry after the feeling of love. You are not afraid of losing HER. You are afraid of losing the FEELING. Only the feeling is good,she ain't. And you know it.
Yet,we humans are so weak in every aspect,we know the truth,but we just pretend it ain't there.
''Shall my words be consumed by the careless.''
One night you will just decide to walk away...because you by now are begging yourself for a good day,a day of no more pain in your chest.
She will come back. But when she does...you'll be a man instead of a boy,and you'll see her as the dirt under your shoes. You won't even mind cleaning it,you'll just walk over it. Over and over.

Daniel Viana Alencar.