Making Potions Lesson

Have you ever wondered why you should or should'nt?
Well,here is the 'I should' answer for you!
Today we are gonna start making potionz!! How excited are you?!
Today we are making the 'Aphrodisiac Sunset potion'!! YEEEEY
So,let's get started,shall we.
- Making a potion goes in 3 easy, do-home steps.

  • Step one: Collecting the ingredients.
As you've read,to make potions you'll need to collect ingredients first.
  1. Essence of the Beach x03.
  2. Sunlight powder x05.
  3. Flask of Dreams x01.
  4. Glowing arm-band x08.
  5. Empty Potion Vial x01.
After you've collected every single ingredient,you'll be ready for the next step.

  • Step two: Mixing the potion.
Now you'll need to combine the ingredients,so they may have the proper effect.
The order in sequence:

Use the liquid of 'Flask of Dreams' inside of the 'Empty Potion Vial'.
You should have obtained a 'Vial of Dreams'.

Use 'x03 Essence of the Beach' with 'Vial of Dreams'
You should have obtained a 'Dream of the Beach Vial'.

Use 'x05 Sunlight Powder' with 'Dream of the Beach Vial'.
You should have obtained a 'Vial of the Sun'.

Use 'x08 Glowing arm-band' with 'Vial of the Sun'
You should have obtained a 'Unfinished Sunset Vial'.

After you've done all the steps above carefully in the exact order,you'll be ready for the third and last step.

  • Step three: Heating the potion.
After you've collected and combined all of the ingredients,you should probably have a thick purple-grey-ish colored liquid inside of your Vial.

Heat the potion at 540° on a Moon-Stone stove. Let the potion heat for about 60minutes.
Keep count of the time,if you let the potion pass 1minute on fire,you'll get a Mani Potion instead,so watch out and count 60minutes correctly.

After you get the potion out of your Moon-Stone stove,you shall already see the thin liquid with sunset-ish color,but now you have to spell the words - 'Yī jì Rìluò'.
It is important that you do it,so you are guaranteed of your Sunset Potion.

And if you have done exactly every step above,you shall have obtained a 'Aphrodisiac Sunset Potion'z!!!
Potionz 4 liferz,enjoy!

Daniel Viana Alencar.