
Sad story of two people...
One well-intentioned,the other one not so much.
One done it all,gave itself in.
The other one,not so much...
One was the Sun and the Moon.
The other one,just a symbol.
One had thick skin and didn't like the pain.
The other one,didn't care alot.
One gave the strength for love.
The other one,only consumed it.

Days of the week:
18 ''I love you,my Prince.''
19 ''I don't need you anymore. I will find someone better,which is not going to be hard.''
20 ''Life,why are you so mean?! I wish I had amnesia to forget it all!''
21 ''I don't understand how I can be selfish ALL the time.''
22 ''Vengeful for what? I lost the only good thing I had in my life.''
23 ''He's gonna come running back to me. Yes,he is! Is he? I mean...I hope...=(''

After all I have done for YOU,YOU & YOU... YOU fucked it all up,and stabbed me in the back.
You have never done anything for me,no sacrifices,so the fuck were you thinking?
I gave more than 'All the Time I Had',I gave my mind and my soul,but you dispised it with your selfishness.
How can the human being be so irracional. When they get something good in their lives,they throw it away for no reason. To later regret it all.
But sure,twig,you're crying all your damned tears,and that's enough for me.
It was about time when I ended that shit.

- [You faced 'm? - Because of me. You created an attitude? - Because of me. You only had a life,because of me.] - I did it all. Shame on you,Worthless.

[Days of the week in order - Sun -> Sat]
In Retribution To - The Bitch.
Daniel Viana Alencar - I have a whole Kingdom for myself. You?Not really.