My Words,your words

I'm gonna call her just to see how she's doing today.

Daniel - ''Hey,how are you?''
Her - ''How do you think I am?''
Daniel - ''That's why I am asking...''
Her - ''Oh! You're such a pig.''
Daniel - ''What the hell?''
Her - ''You never change,you're always so obvious.''
Daniel - ''really...what the...''
Her - ''Ya know what? Just shut up.''
Daniel - ''Oh goodness,what did I do this time?''
Her - ''Nothing,you never do anything wrong,Mr.Perfect!''
Daniel - ''Can you even talk right with me?''
Her - ''Am I talking left instead? FREAK.''
Daniel - ''Now I am the freak?!...fuck...''
Her - ''Now,you're wrong,alright?Get over it.''
Daniel - ''You're being rude to me,and i'm wrong?!''
Her - ''It is MY fault now?!''
Daniel - ''Sure is...or can't you remember the last few seconds?''
Her - ''I should've thought! It is always my fault,i'm always wrong...
...yeah you're always right about everything,and i'm always wrong,
Daniel - ''...(Oh man,I can't listen to is worse than torture)...''
Daniel - ''Here we go again... -.-''
Her - ''ARG YOU IDIOT!!!''
[Call Ended]

Ten minutes later...
Daniel - ''NOW WHAT?!''
Her - ''Hey eh...I was thinking...wanna go out tomorrow?''
Daniel - ''Uh,you know what...sure...let me sign off my appointments for tomorrow.''
Her - ''Okay.''
[Call Ended]

One hour later...
Daniel - ''Alright,i've set all my appointments for next week. Tomorrow i'm free.''
Her - ''Ehm,tomorrow i'm going out with my friend.''

Daniel - '' W'The hell?You didn't tell me THAT one hour ago?''
Her - ''That's because I just called her.''
Her - ''Because I didn't have anybody else,alright.''
Daniel - ''Seriously...really...................''
[Call Ended]

Five minutes later...
Her - ''Look,I won't go out with my friend tomorrow anymore.''
Daniel - ''What's that now of a sudden?''
Her - ''Well,if you wanna come...''
Daniel - ''Question is: Do you want to see me?''
Her - ''I don't believe you just said that.''
Daniel - ''What?!''
Her - ''After this one...I gotta go.''
Daniel - ''Now tell me what the fuck I did this time,please tell me.''
Her - ''Nevermind,bye.''
Daniel - ''...(Oh my,if I were a woman,i'd just kill that bitch)...''
[Call Ended]

Daniel Viana Alencar - Facts of Real Life.