Thinking that...

She's late again,but again!
Today she rushed out to work one hour earlier,like really,ONE HOUR,I mean,we couldn't even talk when we had breakfast,and she was kind of strange too...
...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhum,yeah,I know,I know it all! I don't even wanna hear it when she's back,she's probably gonna come with the excuse of the traffic or anything like that,and I don't wanna hear it!
She thinks that i'm a fool! A FOOL! she is trying to make me a fool! But what she doesn't know is that I know that she thinks that I am a fool. She won't do all of this to me,because I am not a fool,and she won't make a fool of me either!
Okay,she must have a man behind all of this. I KNOW IT!
No,alright,okay than,you're doing this to me? but you aren't going to lie,at least that you won't do!
When she's home,i'll interrogate her,and than lets see what happens....muhuhahahahaha!!

[5 minutes later]
- ''HEY,WHERE WHERE YOU?'' says Daniel,with an angry face thowards Rachel.

- ''Working,sweetheart. Sorry I am late,today we've had loads of work...oh,i'm so tired.''
Says Rachel with her face looking like she's got beaten up by the day of work.

- ''(She's a good liar,I know it! I know she's lying! Now i'm gonna catch her by the toes...)''
Says Daniel to himself,looking very paranoic.

- ''Okay so....... you were working till now,alright,alright....AND HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN GOING TO WORK ONE HOUR EARLIER HUH?(...Now I got her,I defenitelly got her!...)''
Says Daniel with the face of a detective looking for proof.

- ''Honey,I'm working extra since last week so we can afford that trip to the U.S,I knew you wanted us to go there so bad,I figured it'd be okay if I worked a bit more...''
Says Rachel with a frown in her face.

- ''...........................................................''
Daniel kept starring at Rachel with those big eyes for a while before he stood up actually said something.

- ''Really?...Did you do this for us?''
Says Daniel with a veeeery sad-'n'-sorry face.

- ''Of course,babe! I thought of us hanging out at those beautiful spots,having a great time,just the two of us,without the daily problems to mind us out...''
Says Rachel with sparkling eyes and a big smile.

After Rachel said that last sentence,Daniel gave Rachel a very tight hug,and said in her ear - ''i'm sorry.''
Rachel only replied - ''it's alright,Danny.''
All those crazy things,oh well,Daniel made up a bunch of nonsense. Thinking too much may lead to this.

Daniel Viana Alencar.