
So,I've written almost 300 posts,dedicated myself alot to D.A.T.W,
lost my mind in these verses and sentences over the years,but it has actually come to an end.
I write every single day,but other things that do not mix with blogging,so i'm stopping d.a.t.w,
at least for a while now.
There is actually nothing to write about,since I don't get any ideas anymore.
I mean,after 300 posts of different sentences and meanings,you kind of drain up.
In total,i've written two books so far,have the story for the third,taking off all the daily writing that I do,
so I kind of have left Daniel Against the World in peace.
It has been a long way till here - it has been 3 whole years of dedication to this blog and,well,
it doesn't seem like people read blogs anymore...
...I've noticed with time,that people only enter blogs to steal images or ideas,
not giving the writer any credit for creating the words that constructed the post itself; so as unfair as it sounds and stupid as it is,it really happens and there is nothing we can do about it.
So i'm practically done with D.A.T.W - All the content is staying here and I give all my thanks to all of you who have written me personally,who have given support and made part of this.
It was an amazing journey!

Much love,
(Me and my maltese dog - Jamie)
Daniel Viana Alencar from Daniel Against the World.