
There's nothing difficult about listening and answering.
But selfishness is the 'problem' many have,and not letting me talk,is a big one.
If I can't talk,how will I spell - I love you. ?
Because it's always about what you want,and what you think.
It's never me,I mean,I'm there just to do what you want me to.
I'm starting to think,that,being always nice,and patient,has a price to pay...
...the price is my own freedom to be me,and say what I want to say.
Being Right or Wrong,it is easy to be one of these,but if I choose to be Right,I'll be Wrong;
So yeah,next thing to do is,put my power in my own hands while taking it off yours.
Or WE decide something,or there's no WE. Selfish is not for 2,it only works for 1 person.
Spoiling love,isn't the answer either.

Daniel Viana Alencar.