
Thinking about the things in life...
It goes beyond our imagination...
The possibilities by the ways things are.
And what if,there is a heaven?
And...and what if there is something above us?
I mean,not above us phisically,but over our humanity.
Look around,everything is so weird and so well-made at the same time.
There is no way everything grew by itself,just like that.
The existance in this world has so many abouts and manners to think of,
we can spend years on end trying to understand life,because it is infinite.
Humans are humans,and for what reason?
Is there a reason we exist,a reason we live,and do everything we do?
Or do you believe the worlds's word - ''Life is pointless''.
And we do have a reason,there is a point...just fits us the understanding.
I am asking myself if I am always alone...and,am I?
Do I have a reason to live?
Yes,yes yes! I have a reason to be here,like everything has!
In myself I have something,something written.
I have an achievement that,you nor me can see.
An achievement I live for,which is not myne,which my ego does no possess.
Life...goes beyond our eyes,it goes beyong the skyes...
think about it,take a second.

Title and Idea by my dear friend Natasja van den Tilaart.
Picture by Amanda Mabel.
Daniel Viana Alencar.