Loose Ends

''I have to let it go; to be able to get back on track.
As I cut people like wires and they become loose ends; no stories,no memories...
...Just some corrupt file inside of my head.
I just gotta let it all go.from day to day and time to time.
Can't look straight to the wires tho...I have to cut them quickly so I don't look back.
As a popular say: ''Bad seeds give bad fruit.''...
And as i'm leaving the loose ends of my life behind...
...all I have to remember and keep are the good seeds...the ones that gave good fruit.
Why is it that the good things,moments and people,we easily forget?
While the bad ones...we remember...?
That's because they are bad wires,and they have to be cut.
The only way of overcoming a bad moment or person is to replace it with a good one...
...and forgetting about the old one...
...I will just walk away,from all my loose ends.''

Daniel Viana Alencar.