
Admiral,somebody that admires something or something that is admire-able.
What is admirable? Everything is admirable.
Each person has their own touch and phisique,which makes them admirable...
...everybody is beautiful...
...In their own way.
My name is Admiral,because I admire every person,as each person has to be admired for their ways,for their thoughts,for their beauty.
I am beautiful,just like you. And...somebody may have said it otherwise,but... are beautiful,you are gorgeous indeed,with your own ways of being so.
You don't have to be nobody else to be pretty,because you were born pretty in your own way,and I admire you for that,as I admire each person for their own ways.
What makes us beautiful is not what we have on the is what we have in our inside.
Look at your heart,and see what he's trying to say to you.
He's saying you are the only one. He's saying you are beautiful.

From: Admiral. To: Admiral.

Daniel Viana Alencar.