
When I tried to say it,I felt no emotion.
When I tried to explain it,I felt no warmth.
When I tried to stare it,I felt no sentiment.
When I touched it...
...everything changed. The emotion,warmth and sentiment were there,
my mind with all my thoughts were there,with my heart,with my soul.
One touch,to know what human's skin is made of...
...made of strength,wisdom and love.
Her eyes turned into light,and her mind became delight.
Her heart handed me a key,with many drawings.
Her hands touched my heart,giving me a feeling i've ever felt,
feeling of heat,feeling of melting my heart like chocolate.
Our hearts are stolen by the touch...
...The key to her heart is inside of my soul,and I'll never let it go.
My touch has marked her mind,and she'll never forget me.

Daniel Viana Alencar.