Brother Love

You know,when I was little my mother used to tell me that brother love is something that we keep for our lives,it is that love that gives us strength and wisdom,the one that sepparates us from the good and the bad things of the world,she used to tell me that brothers were even more important than the parents themselves,because after mom and dad leave,the only thing you'll have left is a brother to take care of,and maybe a brother to take care of you,because brothers are the ones we
 give our blood for,they are the ones we
 spend most of the time talking with,asking
for advice and solutions for problems.
I am not only talking about brothers bound by
family blood,I am also talking about that person
you call a brother,which you'd do anything for,
that person you wish happiness for all life,and
the one you can always count on,that friend
you call brother.
Brother love is unconditional,there are no conditions
for this kind of love,it is too deep and too strong
to be threatened,and it is too sweet to let go.

Daniel Viana Alencar.