King of the Hill

All this pride and confidence inside of my head,because I am the best,I am the only one,I am unique!
Yes! One-Of-A-Kind,nobody is better than me!
Can I even listen to myself? How ignorant saying something like that,how arrogant being a person like this!
I am not the best,I am not a king and I am not a star either.
Part of my life i've seen myself as the King-Of-The-Hill,but I never been the king of anything,I have never own anything. I've seeken power,honor,pride,success and happiness...all I found was selfishness and an empty space...and inside me I don't want to understand this stupidity of morality and humility,but my heart says otherwise. Well,I don't care? Well...I do care!
I understand that the world not myne is;
Having dreams is not having power,and having a goal is not being above people's heads.

Daniel Viana Alencar.